Cartoon sea turtle
× Home Habitat Anatomy Fun Facts Activities


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Have fun learning about where turtles live and what makes up their bodies!


Turtles on a rock.
Turtles live in every contintent except for Antarctica. They are mainly aquatic creatures but are able to go on land if they want to.
Turtles on a stone.


Turtles anatomy
Turtles have a hard shell that protects them from predators. Their bodies are built to both walk on land and swim fast through the water. They are also cold blooded so they love to sunbathe!

  1. Can you spot the mandible?
  2. Can you spot the tail?

Fun Facts

  1. The largest turtle in the world is the leatherback seaturtle. It can weigh up to 900 pounds!

  2. Some turtles can lay over 1000 eggs at one time!

  3. Turtles are omnivores. This means they can eat both plants and animals. Sometimes they even eat poisonous jellyfish! Yuck!

  4. Snapping turtles are very mean!
Snapping turtle
This is a snapping turtle.

Here are some puzzles for you to enjoy!

Click and drag the puzzle pieces until they match up and form an image!

  1. The landscape and ghost button show a reference picture.
  2. Click the arrow button to expand the puzzle.
  3. The box arranges the puzzle pieces.
  4. The three dots let you restart the puzzle and choose a new background.